Dr Parviz Sadigh
Consultant Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon
MB ChB FRCS (Plast)

I am a Consultant Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon with a passion for microsurgery and aesthetics. I graduated from Bristol Medical School in 2004 and completed my general surgical training and Plastic Surgical specialist training in London, UK.
My NHS base is The Royal London Hospital, Bart’s Health NHS Trust, which is the UK’s busiest trauma centre. Here, I held the position of Clinical Director for Plastic Surgery from August 2017 through to January 2021.
I made the move out to Dubai in January 2021 to take up a position as Consultant Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon at Kings College Hospital.
I developed an interest in microsurgery early in my career and embarked upon a number of international microsurgical fellowships in the far east.
Microsurgery is the sub-specialty within plastic reconstructive surgery whereby the surgeon joins together blood vessels or nerves the size of a hair breadth or smaller using a powerful operating microscope.

My Fellowship experience began in Khaosiung, Taiwan, where I completed a one year advanced microsurgical fellowship under the tutelage of Professor Seng-Feng Jeng.
I then spent one month with Professor Isao Koshima at Tokyo University Hospital, Japan, to observe the super-microsurgical techniques being developed in this centre of excellence.
I also spent six weeks under the guidance of Professor Yixin Zhang at The People’s Ninth Hospital, Shanghai, China and a period of study at The Asan Medical Centre in Seoul, South Korea, under the supervision of Professor JP Hong.

I have published over twenty-five papers in peer review journals and in 2014 was awarded the prestigious PRS ‘Best Reconstructive Paper Award’ for my work on free flap reconstruction in the head and neck.
I created this site as a way of communicating what it is I do as a surgeon, and as a portal of information for my patients. I would be grateful to receive any feed-back or suggestions for improvement that you may have.
With regards to aesthetics I specialise in all aspects of surgery to the breast and trunk, as well as facial aesthetics such as rhinoplasty, peri-ocular rejuvenation. face lift, neck lift and of course Botox and fillers for anti-wrinkle and facial contouring.
Fat transfer to the mid-face and upper lid blepharoplasty is of particular interest to me, as I feel that this is hugely beneficial in achieving facial rejuvenation with minimal downtime.

TV Documentary Featuring Dr Parviz
In this UK documentary produced by the ITV networkm, Dr Parviz Sadigh explains a lower limb reconstruction case, involving a man who almost died after being trapped under a bus.
See the amazing results of an International Patient who underwent a complex microsurgery arm reconstruction in my clinic. I successfully removed the large tumor, performed a free flap, and preserved full function of the nerves etc in and around the hand.
Publications by Dr Parviz Sadigh
Dr Parviz continues to make scientific contributions to the healthcare community on a variety of reconstruction surgeries. Some of his key publications include:
Pafitanis G, Vris A, Reissis D, Sadri A, Alamouti R, Myers, Sadigh P.
Nikkhah D, Miller R, Pafitanis G, Vijayan R, Sadigh P.
Abdominal reanimation’ and massive flank hernias: Moving towards a more functional reconstruction.
Sadigh P, Burke J, Nikkhah D, Sammartino C, Puliatti C, Sivaprakasam R, Knowles C.
Sadigh PL, Chang LR, Hsieh CH, Feng WJ, Jeng SF.
Su W, Min P, Sadigh P, Grassetti L, Lazzeri D, Munnee K, Pu Z, Zhang Y.
Sadigh PL, Hsieh CH, Feng GM, Shih HS, Jeng SF.
Li K, Min P, Sadigh P, Grassetti L, Lazzeri D, Torresetti M, Marsili R, Feng S, Liu N, Zhang YX.
To view the full library of Dr Parviz Sadigh’s publications visit:
PubMed.gov – National Library of Medicine – NCBI – Dr Parviz Sadigh