
( Nose Job / Nose Reshaping )

Premium Rhinoplasty in Dubai: Choosing the Best Doctor

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries all around the world. To receive the procedure, one needs to consult a skilled doctor who excels in his field. For individuals residing in Dubai, UAE, Dr Parviz Sadigh is the best option. Why? Dr. Sadigh is one of the choices for rhinoplasty in Dubai and the wider region with regards to facial reconstructive surgery.  

His extensive experience and advanced surgical techniques make him one of the best surgeons for those seeking rhinoplasty in Dubai, ensuring both an aesthetic and functional outcome is achieved.  

Dr Parviz is the top choice of revision rhinoplasty candidates. Patients that are dissatisfied with their previous surgeries rush to Dr. Sadigh to get the best results. Explore this page to make informed decisions before you opt for Rhinoplasty in Dubai. 

Getting Rhinoplasty in Dubai: Important Information

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that aims to reshape the aesthetic and functional structure of the nose. It is used to correct many issues related to breathing difficulties, including structural abnormalities such as a displaced septum or enlarged turbinates. 

Besides improving nasal performance, rhinoplasty in Dubai corrects aesthetical abnormalities in order to give the patient a more proportional and harmonious facial appearance. He or she will reshape it by adjusting the bridge, tip, and nostrils to make it smaller or larger to obtain the necessary proportion required with other parts of the face.

Nose job dubai

Rhinoplasty in Dubai: Consultation

 A consultation about rhinoplasty in Dubai is crucial because it needs to meet both aesthetic goals and medical needs. It is a time to talk with the surgeon, your expectations, and understanding of the surgical approach in detail.  

  • Evaluation of Goals and Medical History: A consultation will determine why you want the surgery and review your past medical history for the qualification of the candidate. 
  • Technique: There will be consultation for your rhinoplasty to determine whether there is a closed approach or an open approach for you. 
  • Pre-and Post-Surgery Photos: The pictures taken of you and examples from previous patients who have undergone their rhinoplasties will be shown to you. 
  • Patient Reviews: The past review by patients enlightens one concerning the experience he/she had and even satisfaction levels for surgery. 
  • Informed Choice: Here, you get information as required that is needed prior to carrying out surgery confidently. 

Rhinoplasty in Dubai: Am I the Ideal Candidate?

Assuming you are healthy, stable in body and mind, and do not smoke, then you may be an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty in Dubai, provided you have issues with the shape or form of your nose. This can include:

Best Rhinoplasty Dubai
  1. The size of nose will be more in comparison with the rest other features of faces; a large nose or one which is rather too small that is, on being operated; would balance their facial features otherwise out of their proportion by that surgery. 
  2. A bumpy bridge of nose carrying lumps at places: People can iron their nose bridge smoothen so as to avoid any lumpy look by its surgery. 
  3. Nasal Shape Problems: An oversized, sagging, or enlarged nose can be operated upon through rhinoplasty so that the nose can be restored to an attractive and symmetrical shape. 
  4. Asymmetrical or bent nose: An asymmetrical or bent nose can be corrected with rhinoplasty by correcting the nasal form to become straight and symmetrical, thereby correcting the aesthetic appearance of the nose. 

Rhinoplasty in Dubai: Recovery

Recovery after getting rhinoplasty in Dubai is pretty sensitive and requires a lot of attention to healing and preventing complications. There will be some bleeding from the nose in the first two days after surgery.

No action shall be performed this time that can most likely lead to distress and thus increase the blood flow that might go around the nose region, thereby contributing to excess bleeding. Minimal should also be used of nose blowing or even sneezing of air through the nose to be careful with surgical sites.  

Generally, patients are advised to begin with light activities around two weeks after surgery, according to the detailed instructions provided by the surgeon. Ideally, it is best to stay away from strenuous exercise and other physically straining activities for at least six weeks, which should give ample time to heal and refrain from straining the nasal area. 

Rhinoplasty Dubai

Rhinoplasty Before and After


Below are some of the common questions Dr Parviz gets asked about Abdominoplasty in Dubai

How much does Rhinoplasty cost in Dubai?

Dr Parviz uses the latest reconstructive and aesthetic techniques to preserve the functions of the nose, while giving the desired aesthetic outcome. His Rhinoplasties start from AED 35,000 but prices differ depending on the complexity.
Dr Parviz was the Clinical Director for Plastic Surgery at the Royal London Hospital, the UK’s largest trauma centre.


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