Nose Reconstruction

Nose Reconstruction

Nose reconstruction is often required if there has been nose trauma, cancer surgery, a congenital defect exists, or a person has had a Rhinoplasty/nose job that ‘went wrong’ There are a number of different techniques used in nose reconstruction including skin grafting, flap surgery and the ‘staged procedure’.

Nasal Reconstruction Techniques


Skin Grafting: This is a procedure that is done when the damage on the skin from the Mohs surgery or trauma is too large. Skin is transferred from one area of the body to the target area on the nose that has an incision.

Flap Surgery: This is a procedure where the skin is stretched within the area of incision and stitched to maintain its own blood supply. This is done when the incision is not as substantial.

Staged Procedure:  This is an operation done in parts. A process called forehead flap is undertaken whereby an expander is placed under the forehead to stretch the skin. The skin grows gradually, and when it fits the size of the deformity, it’s used to cover the wounded part of the nose. The outcome is natural healing.

Nose Reconstruction Before and After

Nose Reconstruction Before - Dr Parviz Sadigh
Nose Reconstruction After - Dr Parviz Sadigh
Nose Reconstruction - Dr Parviz Sadigh Iranian Patient
Before advanced Nose reconstruction
Nose Reconstruction - Dr Parviz Sadigh Iranian Patient
Dr Parviz was the Clinical Director for Plastic Surgery at the Royal London Hospital, the UK’s largest trauma centre.

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